WARNING - Blatant slamming of United Airlines in this posting - so if you're an employee of United Airlines, you can kiss my ass and stop reading now, or accept the truths I am posting.
I didn't want to get raped by any airline company this year, so immediately after Halloween I began shopping for tickets to go home for Christmas. Yay! Home to a log cabin in the mountains, with a view of one of Montana's tallest peaks, and a Christmas tree from my family's property.
After shopping and calling, I found some great ticket prices through United Airlines. I bought two tickets home for $436.00 a piece... to be with my father at the holidays the cost was worth it to us both. I only had one vacation day, so the tickets were to fly out Thursday night, have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Montana, then return on Christmas Day.
Everything was going as planned until Dad got hospitalized. I called United Airlines the morning after my dad had emergency surgery. They couldn't get me out of town that day, but the following morning there was room on a flight, and for $200 (give or take $15) more per ticket we would be in Montana and at the hospital the following afternoon.
I went to work to finish up my responsibilities for December - - if we were stuck in town for the day I may as well tie up any loose ends in case my dad went downhill.
The following morning we were out of bed at 3:30AM, drove an hour to the airport, and got in line at the United ticket counter. So picture this... United has approximately 40 self-ticketing booths, and 3 employees handling customers. The area is COMPLETELY vacant save the hippie and her boyfriend ahead of us arguing with one of 3 attendants about the international weight limit on their baggage bound for Jakarta, Indonesia.
The other 2 United attendants are standing a few kiosks over discussing some other employee that they speculate got pregnant by their manager but because she was such a slut there was no way to know for sure... except for the condom found in his trash can after said pregnant employees review. Finally the 2 United employees see us, and ask why we're in line. I explain that we need to exchange our tickets for our Thursday departure, and I had a confirmation number from the phone call I had made the day before to swap the tickets. One of the women says,
"I am supposed to be helping the e-ticket people only," to which the other gal says,
"Yeah, he should be done with the International flight questions in just a minute." They return to their previous conversation...
THIRTY MINUTES LATER - I have heard the two women discuss abnormal pap smears, someone's cousin Lisa on welfare, Hillary Clinton, fluorescent colors from the 80s, and farts. A total of 1 e-ticket customer has come and gone. The man at the counter excuses himself and tells us he hasn't had a break all morning and that he will be right back. Three more minutes pass and he returns with a hot cup of coffee.
I was understandably irritated at this point, but the bigger concern is my father and just getting home. The man looks over our tickets, punches in our confirmation code, and then says,
"I can't honor what you were quoted on the phone. We have to treat your tickets as though you are buying them today." Clickety-clackity-click-click.
"Well, from here to Salt Lake City it will be $856 per ticket, then from Salt Lake into Montana it will be $530." I swallow......
"How much do we get as credit for our existing tickets?" "You will lose those... especially if you keep your return flight." "What about bereavement fare?" "Lady, it's the holidays. We have a black-out right now." I start to get really pissed off.
"What if we fly stand-by?" "You can only fly stand-by the day of your original tickets." Tears start pouring down my face as I try to keep from going into a Berserker Rage... and then I snap.
"WELL MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!" I shout so loud my voice echoes to the nearby (and crowded) Delta ticketing area. A new customer gets in the United line behind us as my husband and I walk away.
We drove to Montana that day. Got into town about 4 hours later than our flight would have. It cost us $138 in gas. I had bought travel insurance - - so United gets nothing from us except for a big fat